hi! i'm als & this is my blog.

i write about random things.
these days i write pretty sporatically.
sometimes i completely rave about something, like a tv show but sometimes i write pretty serious things.
i write in short phrases, i like the freedom of not having to write in proper punctuation and grammar.
i'm a christian. i also ♥ music, art, photography, movies, tv & books.

hope you enjoy ♥

Sunday, November 21, 2010


just watch HARRY POTTER tonight
loved it ♥
though a bit puzzled at the number of friends i know that have neither read the books and are not up to date with the movies
that they would watch this latest one
because they were quite lost at some points

i must admit, i have been catching myself up with the movies
which i enjoy
though its a bit annoying that they can't add all of it into the movies
and some things, they changes a little bit
but i like watching anyway

(btw, if you have not seen the movie and/or read the books , you probably shouldn't read on. you have been warned.)

so, in the movie, it was a bit strange because i always pictured bill weasley with short hair
and being very neat and sleek and all
not some long haired, hippy-eque hair
and all the more because he was marrying fleur

also, i miss tonk's pink hair.

also, though i have read the books
i did forget who died and when.
and so it was sad when hedwig died
and mad-eye moody


my favourite quote of dobby's in the movie:
"Dobby never meant to kill, simply maim, or severely injure"
dooby was so cute
so sad when he died :(

can't wait til the next movie
but its in july

though it was a bit annoying that last movie they didnt have the scene where dumbledore talks about the horcruxes
because it did seem like the movie they were pretty aimless
at least in the book, they knew or had a inkling about what the horcruxes were
even though, they didn't know where they are

plus, harry and ginny were supposed the break up at the end of the last movie
which didn't happen.

i kind of want to read all the books again
but i also can't be bother because i know it'll take me agesss
maybe before the last movie then.


Emmaaa. said...

I'm reading the books from scratch :)
except I kind of have to start from the third book because I don't have every book and I can't find the first, which is a bit eh :P

LMAO you said 'DOOBY' somewhere in the middle, and I thought it was a bit sinister/creepy the way he died :(

And pfft how could you think Bill would be sleek and have short hair, it says in the book that he had long hair! :P you silly woman!

btw, so jealous! gonna see it in dec.

Clara said...

nonono, bill has like long hair which he ties up in a ponytail and he's supposed to have piercings and earrings as well!! somehow i remember his hair is silver haha i dunno.

i expected lupin to look cooler though, not like some average british sherlock holmes or whatever.


als said...

oops, my bad. i think i got confused with either charlie or percy