haven't done a music post in a while so here's my review/recommendation for his week
The Dirty Projectors new album, Bitte Orca
i'm quite liking it.
though it did take a few listens to get use to
they're a six person band
the songs are sung by both male and female vocalists
what i like about them is their
is the interweaving of the music with the vocals
what i mean is they make the vocals work through the music.
(did that make sense? or did that just sound like i was tryng to make myself sound like i know what i'm talking about?)
& for more on what i listen to
go to my last.fm
just click the music tab at the top
in other news,
i really really can't wait til i get my guitar
i'm ebaying off guitar music
the ones i really want though (strokes, death cab, yyy)
are really expensive
there's also one that you buy the pdf of beatles songs
its like 200 songs
i'm not sure if its dodgy or not
like whether thats legal.
but yes, i do really want the beatles musc, too!
i'm also plannng to learn the cello
but not this holiday
the 3 month break at the end of the year.
go me :)
will write a more interesting blog soon
i'm out today.
(STILL have to study.)
oh, and if you didn't know bitte means sorry or please in german.
(but it has no relevance to this blog, just that the albumis called Bitte Orca)
i miss german :(