hi! i'm als & this is my blog.

i write about random things.
these days i write pretty sporatically.
sometimes i completely rave about something, like a tv show but sometimes i write pretty serious things.
i write in short phrases, i like the freedom of not having to write in proper punctuation and grammar.
i'm a christian. i also ♥ music, art, photography, movies, tv & books.

hope you enjoy ♥

Sunday, June 6, 2010


oh, jiali
you've made my day.
showing me the vid of a certain singaporean

it's going to be a night of intense studying tonight
cos i want to stay up tonight
and study heaps
instead of staying up on wedensday night
and studying
before my exam on thursday
gives me more time you know.

i don't like whoring myself out
or anything
but if any of you who regularly read this
and have a blogger account or a google account
please follow this blog.
cos it makes me feel a little bit sad that i have so few followers, thats all.


Emmaaa. said...

AHAHA 'whoring myself out'
tisnt a popularity contest :P!!

much luck on the studies :) you can do it--youre alison, who debates successfully and wins at games and points out very annoying but very true facts at the randomest times. :) in conclusion, you'll nail it.

Jiali said...

how do i follow??????????

als said...

toolbar at the top and click 'follow'.


in the side bar, there's a box that's titled readers/followers. click the 'follow' button.
