hi! i'm als & this is my blog.

i write about random things.
these days i write pretty sporatically.
sometimes i completely rave about something, like a tv show but sometimes i write pretty serious things.
i write in short phrases, i like the freedom of not having to write in proper punctuation and grammar.
i'm a christian. i also ♥ music, art, photography, movies, tv & books.

hope you enjoy ♥

Friday, June 4, 2010

how much i hate exams #149

Day 79 - f o c u s
Originally uploaded by margolove

what i need to do :(

but anyway,
THIS is how much i hate exams:

october 30, 2008
may 28, 2009
may 31, 2009
june 17 2009
june 15 2009
october 5, 2009
november 5, 2009


and i'm pretty sure
i end about 40% of all my posts with
'sorry, have to study now'

whilst i was looking through my old blog
i came across this one
so, apparently jiali
you called me up once in yr 12
to find out the molar mass of zinc, copper and iodine

back to study now

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