hi! i'm als & this is my blog.

i write about random things.
these days i write pretty sporatically.
sometimes i completely rave about something, like a tv show but sometimes i write pretty serious things.
i write in short phrases, i like the freedom of not having to write in proper punctuation and grammar.
i'm a christian. i also ♥ music, art, photography, movies, tv & books.

hope you enjoy ♥

Monday, May 3, 2010

panic attack #117

had a mini panic attack today
maybe even a full blown one
it was really weird
cos i hadn't really had one that bad before
i usually just get really anxious, or nervous
where my heart races
but its usually just over uni
or exams or whatever
(yeah, my mini breakdowns slash freak outs before exams are quite frequent. just ask jacky)
but this was different
this was like heart full on racing
feeling jittery
and it felt kinda difficult to breathe for a while
and even slightly nauseated
and it lasted like 20 minutes
but no,
it wasn't over uni stuff though
more important stuff.
but still, i have no idea why i had a panic attack over it.
because it wasn't like i was confronted with it or anything.
it was the strangest thing.


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