hi! i'm als & this is my blog.

i write about random things.
these days i write pretty sporatically.
sometimes i completely rave about something, like a tv show but sometimes i write pretty serious things.
i write in short phrases, i like the freedom of not having to write in proper punctuation and grammar.
i'm a christian. i also ♥ music, art, photography, movies, tv & books.

hope you enjoy ♥

Monday, August 2, 2010


had quite an interesting ethics tutorial today at 9am
it wasn't as bad or as scary as i thought it would be
also, because i hadn't actually read all the reading material beforehand
so i was a little fearful
but the tute was more or less just discussing different scenarios
which i thought was interesting

but another issue that came up was about the 'anti immunisation' groups forming
and all that
and well, i agree with my tutor (not that anymore in our group disagreed)
i'm quite against the anti immunisation groups
or better said, i am for immunisation of adults and children
because the anti groups
all their views stem from emotion and pretty much no evidence
because yes, their may be some side effects from immunisation
but how much worse would contracting 'whooping cough', 'small pox', 'tetanus', 'hep B', etc. compared to this
sure it might be a bit of pain, arm tenderness and headache, etc.
but compared to what you are immunising against
thats nothing.

and compared to the very low percent of actually recieving a serious adverse effect from immunisation
not immunising your child, puts them at higher risk of contracting these relatively serious diseases
which is much worse.
and actively choosing to put your child at risk,
sounds to me like bad parenting.
(i do emphasise the 'actively choosing' bit, eg. when children get vaccinated at school refusing to sign the form of consent. i do not mean it as being: not having children vaccinated because of lack of access) .

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