Ok, so after watching the Survivor finale, I am quite glad that Rob won out of the three that were left. Because Natalie clearly didn't deserve it since she rode the coattails of Rob and Philip didn't deserve it since he only made it there because he alienated everyone, or alienated himself, and because part of the survivor game is the social game, Philip played a VERY poor social game. And I found it so interesting and so funny that in their opening statements, ALL of them credit Rob to getting to the final three. And interesting and true quote that I read (taken from buddytv
here) was this:
"Basically, all three argue that Boston Rob was the mastermind, but Natalie and Phillip think befriending the mastermind is better than actually being the mastermind, which is kind of like saying that Tiger Woods doesn't deserve the Green Jacket for winning the Masters, his caddy does."
Very true, they had no hope of winning since both Natalie and Philip were pretty hopeless in challenges (though Natalie did actually win one of them, she was completely hopeless in the latter challenges). And neither of them made ANY (not any) big strategic moves, and followed faithfully to Rob's orders.
But, I do absolutely admire Rob's game play, it was pretty much a perfect game right to the end. The way he kept tabs on everyone, built trust with everyone to the point his alliance all trusted him that he never really needed to use his immunity idol. I particular admire that 'buddy system' he had, I mean yes, it was pretty much like a cult, but it was SO effective in keeping his soldiers in check. Also, the way he eliminated Matt twice, though completely harsh and heartless, was completely brilliant. Because in that move, he eliminated the one that was in the gray area, that maybe if he stayed Matt could have pulled Andrea along for something big, so he eliminated that possibility all together. And honestly if it were him, Ashley and Natalie in the end, I think he still would have won but it would have been much closer, since Ashley could have argued the fact that she was strong in challenges.
But having said ALL of that, the fact that Rob controlled everything made it a boring season and the producers kept having to rely on the fact that Philip annoyed the crap out of everyone to made episode interesting, which annoyed me after a while.
So in summary, AMAZING game play by Rob but boring season because of its predictability. As in, as soon as Rob won the last immunity challenge I KNEW HE HAD WON, and week by week whoever Rob said was going home was going home. Boring.
Hope next season will be more interesting, also I hope they have a Heroes and Villains season again in the future because I hope Matt and Mike return again as Heroes because I really liked them. In fact, I really wanted Mike to return from Redemption island instead of Andrea, so that was a bit of a bummer that he didn't.
Also, I hope Russell doesn't return though he makes interesting tv, he's a real jerk and I don't like him and he annoys me with his cockiness. Also, he played the EXACT same game that he has played the previous two seasons, it's failed for him twice so how on earth did he think it would work for him this time. And playing the exact same way by AGAIN choosing the two pretty girls to make his alliance with, that was his downfall. So RUSSELL HANZ, if you ever return to Survivor PLEASE change your game tactic because if you keep the same game, don't even bother coming back because its not going to work and its not worth watching you fail over and over again.
Yes, that is all.