hi! i'm als & this is my blog.

i write about random things.
these days i write pretty sporatically.
sometimes i completely rave about something, like a tv show but sometimes i write pretty serious things.
i write in short phrases, i like the freedom of not having to write in proper punctuation and grammar.
i'm a christian. i also ♥ music, art, photography, movies, tv & books.

hope you enjoy ♥

Wednesday, May 18, 2011




just watched the season 6 finale of how i met your mother
and all i can say (not really say but you know) is this


or better put



I so thought that it was going to be Robin (that was getting married),
especially with Robin asking Ted to be her best man in the beginning of the season.
But having said that, I always knew that Barney was going to get married, because you can tell that it's what Barney wants for his life (having a wife & kids) but he's always been too afraid. And you can see it throughout the season, with him meeting his father and dating Nora, that he wants something more with his life. Also, in the meatball episode when they have a flash forward with Barney in his 'deathbed' asking Marshall to eat the meatball sub, Barney had a wedding ring on. But my initial shock was due to the fact that Barney still seems rather immature with these sorts of things, so I didn't think it was going to be him to get married (I assume, next in the group).

The question is who is Barney marrying: Robin or Nora? (or someone else?)

My theory is Nora, especially after the latest episode where Ted/Zoey's relationship was reflective of Robin/Barney's relationship saying that it was so easy to run back into the relationship but they both know that its not right and saying that they were a train wreck.
Quote from the last episode:
Robin: "The future is scary, but you can't run back to the past because it's familiar. Yes, it's tempting."
Barney: "But, it's a mistake."
Sorry to quash the hopes of those die hard Barney/Robin fans, but I highly doubt that Barney will be marrying Robin. Also, I really like the idea of Robin and secret crush (played by Michael Trucco).

I hope its Nora, because I really like Nora. I love her accent, and you could tell Barney was really into her and the only reason why Barney decided not to meet her parents was because he was scared of commitment but you could tell he so wanted to go inside, but fear got the better of him. And the season finale gave the hint of their possible wedding, since Barney asked her out again for 'coffee', which according to this episode is code for 'i want to get back together'.

I don't think it will be someone else, but it is a possibility.

Oh and in this latest episode, I cried when Lily was pregnant. I honestly didn't expect it/forgot about it, because they went off baby talk for so many episodes.

Also, I enjoyed the 'PSYCHE' when he said he met the mother, but obviously they're not going to make it that easy for us.

Ok, done.


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